July 15, 2024

Car Spotter / Blogger / Reviewer

How To Not Fail Your MOT

Partnered Post   How To Not Fail Your MOT An MOT test is required by law in the UK to make sure that your vehicle is roadworthy. They happen once a year and it’s just a way of making sure your car is safe. However, no matter how well you look after your car, every […]

Car Maintenance , Car Services , Vehicle safety

Pass Your Driving Test First Time With These Smart Tips

Partnered Post Yes! You can pass your test for the first time. Read on to find out how.    Make sure you use your instructor’s car There will be cars that you can use available at your test centre, but it just makes sense to book and use your instructor’s car. After all, this is […]

Driving activities , New drivers , Young Drivers

Transform Your Car With These Upgrades

Partnered Post After a few years of owning a car, you can become bored of the same four wheels and doors. Maybe you want to buy a new car but haven’t got the funds. Or maybe you are just looking for an upgrade, a brand new feel. Well, there are so many ways you can […]

Upgrading your vehicle

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